SouthWest Forestry University | Changlin(Charlie)Zhao Lab
    Molecular systematics of Phlebia
    From:Website  Times:2020-1-10  Hits:2886
    Molecular systematics of Phlebia

    Phlebia Fr.(Meruliaceae,Polyporales)was erected by Fries(1821),typified with P.radiata Fr.,which is a large,cosmopolitan genus characterized by a combination of resupinate or pileate basidiocarps with a subceraceous to subgelatinous consistency when fresh,membranaceous to coriaceous when dry,hymenophore smooth,tuberculate,phlebioid,odontioid,merulioid or poroid,a monomitic hyphal structure(rare dimitic)with clamp connections or simple-septate,narrowly clavate basidia and basidiospores hyaline,thin-walled,smooth,allantoid to ellipsoid,acyanophilous and negative in Melzer’s reagent(Bernicchia and Gorjón 2010).So far about 100 species have been accepted in the genus worldwide(Fries 1821;Ginns 1969;Nakasone and Burdsall 1984,1995;Dhingra 1989;Nakasone 1997,2002,2003,2009;Roberts 2000;Gilbertson and Hemmes 2004;Duhem and Michel 2007;Duhem 2009,2013;Bernicchia and Gorjón 2010;Singh et al.2010;Westphalen et al.2010;Gorjón and Greslebin 2012;Kaur et al.2017;Shen et al.2018)and 14 species have been occurred in China(Hjortstam and Ryvarden 1988;Dai et al.2004;Dai 2011;Shen et al.2018).The synonymity of Merulius Fr.,Mycoacia Donk,Mycoaciella J.Erikss.&Ryvarden with Phlebia was proposed(Nakasone and Burdsall 1984;Nakasone 1997,2002).

    In the present study,much of our work is focused on molecular systematics and the uses of phylogenetic trees for studying the evolution of morphological and ecological characters.

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